Thursday, November 5, 2020

Hope in His Hands


Looking back over the last few months to determine how I got "here," I find that there is a strong truth to be acknowledged--one I have known about myself for some time; I am incredibly affected in my approach to life by the environment I find myself in. But what if one's overall environment changes? Everything is, in some way, different. Much of what could be counted on before is no longer reliable or trustworthy. And may change again!

In short, I have been traumatized by the events of my world over the past few months.The world doesn't turn the way that I knew it to anymore. In fact, it's cockeyed on its axis as far as I can tell. I've seen people's belief systems and agendas in a new light--and it has scared me. I think one result has been that I trust people even less than I once did. Perhaps it's more of a commentary on humanity, because I feel like I've seen shades of the worst of it in the recent past.

There's no way to know for sure when all this madness in our world may end--and therefore there is an ongoing sense of unrest inside me. But I must seek peace in the midst of the storm. The difference in the current climate is that so much of the storm is man-made. People are seekers of themselves, in spite of evil and in spite of crime. It's all been predicted in God's Word, but to see it actually playing out is disconcerting at best. 

So, how do I find peace when events swirling around me keep proving the depravity of man? "Jesus" is the simple (and to some, trite-sounding) answer. Nevertheless, He is the answer. I know my limitations, but He has no limits. I know my discouragement, but He says to take courage because He has overcome the world. I must trust in His provision and His will--that all things will fall into place according to God's plan and purpose. Until it does, I may struggle--but the footing that is sure is the foundation secured upon Him, the Chief Cornerstone. 

I know the Bible says that faith without works is dead. And what works does He refer to? I believe it is those works which glorify His name and carry out His Great Commission. I believe also that those works could include acts of asserting freedom. But unless we have the peace of God, which passes all understanding, we cannot step out haphazardly. 

I need direction--and it must be God-birthed. Not stemming from the cares of my own mind as I see society breaking down around me. I know He is a just God. And I know my "comfort" isn't the barometer for peace. There is a comfort that goes beyond circumstances--beyond riots and scandals. It is a deep place of peace for a deep-feeling, intellectually-reasoning, soul-searching individual like myself. Taking His hand so I don't go down the wrong street and get "mugged" by the enemy's intimidations and declarations of victory. My hope is in the Lord.

"And so, Lord, where do I put my hope? My only hope is in you." - Psalm 39:7, NLT