Sunday, September 29, 2024

You and Me

Fishing rods and reels
Facial masks and peels
Diffusers and oils
Flower pots and soils
Bookmarks and books
Crochet yarn and hooks
Tumblers and rocks
Cuckoos and clocks
Scarves and warm hats
Baseballs and bats
Diamonds and rings
Sauces and wings
Swings and slides
Grooms and brides
Pots and plants
Ant farms and ants
Brushes and combs
Gardens and gnomes
Babies and diapers
Windshields and wipers
Crackers and cheese
Forests and trees

All perfect fits, you see
Just like you and me

© 2024 Teresa Miles Kephart 

Friday, September 6, 2024

What Willy Joe Discovered


Willy Joe did not go looking;

He wasn’t on a search—

Just a normal prowly walk

Down the block and past the church.

He was just about reversing

When it stopped him in his tracks—

A door he hadn’t noticed

Nailed shut with metal tacks.

This derelict old building

He’d padded past before,

But he’d never gone exploring

Near that boarded-up old door.

First, he sniffed around (like always),

Found a gap—big as you please.

He was flexible and skinny,

So he got in there with ease.


When he stepped inside the structure,

There was quite a curious smell.

Just what scent he was smelling

His nose could not quite tell.

But when he heard the growling

And saw a big brown figure,

Willy Joe shot out that exit

Like an itchy trigger finger.

The bear gave out a bellow

And stood on its hind feet

But Willy wasn’t stopping

For a gnarly meet-and-greet.

Willy Joe returned home safely,

With lives to spare, at that—

But remained a curious sort;

Afterall, he was a cat.


© 2024 Teresa Miles Kephart

Monday, August 26, 2024


Primrose lived in a beautiful garden oasis, 
Where she spent her life in a kind of stasis--
Weeding her garden and tending her flowers;
On the cobblestone pathways, she would spend hours.
With her emerald green eyes and golden-wheat hair,
Compared to the plain sort of clothes she would wear,
Her striking looks were quite an allure.
What lay under the surface,  one couldn't be sure.
She loved all the beauty surrounding her home, 
But deep down she'd buried a yearning to roam--
To travel, discover, and see brand new places;
To photograph unfamiliar faces.
She longed to strike out on a world-wand'ring whim,
But all those who knew her said, "She's much too prim."
So, year after year, she would garden and trim.
After all, that's what others expected of "Prim."
Then one day an eagle flew by, overhead, 
And dropped a small thing on the top of her head--
A thin piece of fabric, tied up with a bow; 
One word was imprinted--it simply said, "Go."
This sign was so clear that it couldn't be missed.
Primrose started, in earnest, a caretakers list.
Her cousin came quickly to hold down the fort.
Soon Primrose was headed, fast, to the airport. 
As the plane hit the air, Prim laughed out in glee,
For she wasn't as prim as folks thought her to be.

© 2024 Teresa Miles Kephart 

Wednesday, August 21, 2024


Fuel isn’t simply for motors

Or even to build the physique.

It’s inspiration for the mind—

Ideas that are unique;

The sparks of creativity

That light a brand new flame—

The color, texture, or mot juste;

It’s never just the same.

It’s motivation, relevance

That leads us from one place

To quite another locale

In form, intent, or space.

Fuel comes in many fashions

To kindle and inspire.

What starts out small may quickly,

As we know, become a fire.


© 2024 Teresa Miles Kephart

Tuesday, August 20, 2024


Vesicles bursting with each bite
Releasing tongue-tingling sprays
Some sweet, some sour, some in between
Delicious in all their ways
Fruit salad, juice, cocktails, jam

Tangerine, lemon, orange, lime
Pomelo, kumquat, clementine
Anytime is citrus time

© 2024 Teresa Miles Kephart 


"Get ready," they said;
I'm really rather shy,
So when that curtain opened
I thought that I would DIE.
So many pairs of eyes
Fixed on me, as I stood
Frozen in suspended time;
I knew it wasn't good.
But then I reached inside myself
And found my readiness.
I breathed in deep, recouping
From my pulse's threadiness.
My preparation, practice,
And time spent smoothing out
All came together flawlessly
As now I twirled about.
Each grand jeté, each pirouette;
Each glisser and sauté
Performed with such precision,
No one could look away.
They held their breath as I danced on,
With effortless aplomb
And found my heart was grateful
That all of them had come.
No longer was I nervous;

I felt just feather-like!
At last, I ended with a pose.
The host approached the mic.
I drifted backstage, silent,
And with a smile, surmised,
I really HAD been ready
But hadn't realized.

© 2024 Teresa Miles Kephart 

Sunday, August 18, 2024


Clusters of letters
Arranged in such a way that
They express meaning

The building blocks of
Sentences, paragraphs, and
Finally, stories

The words we use can
Make or break the message we
Most want to convey

We weave and knit them
To form a well-composed work,
Fitting its author

Saturday, August 17, 2024


Sun, rain; windy; clouds
Expect all varieties
Florence coastal clime

Sand dunes, kite shop, bridge
Over Old Town; find seafood,
Coffee, and pizza

Moist marine climate
Old-timers - generations
Spent here in Florence

Friendly little town
At the beach, you'll find salty
Air, kelp, and driftwood

Nostalgic corner
Of my childhood memories
Being a coast kid

Retire in Florence
Live an easy-going life
With the ocean near

Friday, August 16, 2024

Woods (A Warning)


Don’t go into the woods alone—

The woods are filled with bears.

There may be wolves out there as well;

Their jaws are ugly snares.


Don’t go into the woods alone—

A pit might be disguised,

All covered up with twigs and stuff—

Not overt to the eyes.


Don’t go into the woods alone—

You’ll lose your navigation

And wander ‘round for many days,

Until you meet starvation.


Don’t go into the woods alone—

A lady there doth wait;

She’ll lure you in with sweets, and then…

You’ll end up on her plate.


© 2024 Teresa Miles Kephart