Life is full of decisions—choices. Sometimes it seems like
it would be easier if you never made choices—because then no one could be
disappointed in or upset by those choices. If you never asked questions or
disagreed with anyone else’s
decisions, well that too would seem simpler. But it also means you could never
get confirmation on any communications—you’d have to just make assumptions,
which of course can lead to all kinds
of problems. But if you never disagreed, well then whatever assumption you made
wouldn’t bother you anyway…right?
Unfortunately…wrong. That’s not real life. In real life,
people have feelings, agendas, shortcomings, and even let you down. Even not making a choice is a choice. Like you, others make their own inaccurate assumptions. They often make poor choices. As a whole, people—and any
dealings amongst them—are an awkwardly orchestrated mess…yet full of
inexplicable moments of great beauty.
Yes, people are a frustrating bunch. But without embracing
the mess, there is no beauty. That’s what God did for us. He scooped us up in
His arms and said, “My choice is to
love you and call you my own.” He saw the beauty
in each one of us, in spite of our sin. He counted us worth any “trouble” we
might be, even to the point of death. In fact, He made us heirs of everything
He possesses.
Certainly, we can hurt one another with our choices. We can
be selfish, insensitive, callous, and cruel. It is important that we understand
the impact of our decisions on others. But most of all—we need to be concerned
with the one individual whose opinion matters
most of all.
And He says: “Do to
others as you would have them do to you” (Luke 6:31). Sometimes we don’t even know how we want to be
treated. And that’s why it’s so important to have our identity founded in
Christ. If we know who we are, we’ll know how we should be treated—and
therefore, how to treat others. Know who you
are—so you can more effectively know others.
You see—decisions, choices, dealing with people—it all
boils down to knowing yourself. Your real, God-created,
destined-from-before-time self. And you can only know that in relation to Him. He
formed your “inward parts” and “knit [you] together” in your mother’s womb (see Psalm 139:13)! No one knows you better!
The closer you get to the Lord, the more you will learn how
He sees you. And the confidence of that relationship will guide your steps in
the direction God has ordained for you. It will be part of the light He sheds
on your life as you know Him more and more. As He speaks His Word of promise
over your life, you will begin to partner together, declaring that “Your word
is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path” (Psalm 119:105). That is the surest
security for any decision we must
make, whether gigantic or minute.
Learn His character. Learn His Father’s heart. Learn the
path, step by step. Learn to trust Him. He knows the end from the beginning. “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give
you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11). Beautiful relationships, growth
opportunities—even relational challenges await. But there is a hopeful swath of
God’s great love painted over even your darkest day—a gentle reminder that He
is there, guiding your steps, teaching you to walk in a way that also spreads love wherever you go—because
your very nature is found in Him.
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