Thursday, March 28, 2019

Being the Mom of a Boy

Being the mom of a boy—
There's a spirit that's different from gals.
A boy specializes in sound effects,
Dive-bombs, and dirtying towels.
He’s cuddly and very persuasive;
He'll charm Mama's heart in a blink.
And when he is quiet for too long,
He may have done more than you think.
He likes to do little experiments,
Which often involve a slight mess;
And things that he loves tend to wiggle
Or have scales, tongues, or claws that impress.
The harder you work to contain him,
The more he’ll bust out of the box.
You catch him free-jumping from tables
And running about with no socks.

Being the mom of a boy
Means giving up delicate ways.
It means a collection of rocks—
Blanket forts that turn into a maze.
It's finding a snake in a quart jar;
An arsenal made out of twigs;
A love of all things fat and furry;
Random radio songs sparking jigs.
It's a hot dog found moving the dresser
That's stiff ‘cause it's been there a while—
And a hundred small things out of place
That (looking back) make you smile.
It’s pursuit of the wide open nature
To see what survives his rambunction
And taking apart mechanisms
To find out just what makes them function.

Being the mom of a boy
Means remembering dangerous stunts
And shaking your head in disbelief
That he tried ‘em more than once.
It's caring, protecting, and trying
To stay more than one step ahead,
Yet knowing that each day it's vital
To place him in God's hands instead.
It's sav’ring the hugs and the thank-you's
That say "I ‘m glad you're my mama"
And attending his sporting events—
A competitive brand of drama.
Recalling the bedtime stories
You came up with on the spot—
And all the times you consoled him
Through the sicknesses he caught.

Being the mom of a boy
Means capturing each memory you can
Because one day you'll turn, and quite suddenly
Your little boy now is a man.

1 comment:

Grandma Nancy said...

What a wonderful poem dedicated to Josiah. It could very well have been written by most moms of most boys, including my own sons and brothers. You REALLY should send it into a magazine to be published. Love you.