Monday, February 3, 2014


The Fruit of a Wholehearted Search
The keys to the kingdom, God promised His Church
Our hearts—beating with His— each step of the search
His heart’s cry—that we don’t miss even a stone
But uncover each key to His will alone,
To seek first His kingdom, with righteous persistence,
Empowered by the Spirit to meet hell’s resistance
For there is a cost in our kingdom pursuit—
Yet great our reward for producing good fruit
The key of Humility hastens the crop,
And fresh Living Water pours, drop after drop

Streams Unto Freedom
This fruit is not rotten—it’s savory and sweet
Though sorrows precede it and troubles we meet,
For streams of pure water invading our hearts
Will flow from within us, His life to impart
He’s given us keys to unlock the jails
The King is our father, and His will prevails
We’ll set captives free—bring good news to the poor;
New sight for the blind, and oppression no more!
For it is His Spirit that wages the war
And activates keys to spring Freedom’s door

Knowing, Trusting, Following, and Praising Jesus
Oh, that many may enter and learn of His ways!—
His honor and goodness—and give Him all praise!
For He has good plans for His children—each one—
Fulfilled in the knowledge of Jesus the Son
Sometimes we grow weary, and actions feel hollow—
But it’s Jesus we trust, and it’s Jesus we follow
Oh, enter the threshold of His inner courts!
Be still; He will give to you keys of all sorts
Bow down; take your cross, and deny your own mind;
And unto you shall open doors of all kinds

Divine Doors for the Chosen
The doors that were locked will burst open anew,
And Jesus stands by—cheering us to walk through—
Through doors of His presence, and doors of great blessing,
And doors on which we have been faithfully pressing
Each door is divine, and it’s only for you—
Your mark is unique, like the spirit in you
Your giftings placed—chosen—before time began
To further His kingdom and His Master Plan
And so we advance, taking keys at each post,
Doors no one can shut; for such doors matter most

“I know your deeds. See, I have placed before you an open door that no one can shut. I know that you have little strength, yet you have kept my word and have not denied my name” (Revelation 3:8).

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