Sunday, March 1, 2015

Sunday Secrets: Secretly

Most of the time when people say “secretly” it’s for one of these reasons:
A)     They’re expressing something they’ve always wanted but felt they would never get.
B)      What they’re sharing is highly confidential, and they feel they can trust you with it.
C)      It’s not really a “secret” but rather a desire they are, for whatever reason, proudly sharing.

Personally, I’ve secretly wanted a few things in my life. Here are a few of them:

I secretly wanted four children—sort of achieved that—one is in heaven, and three are here. But I always wanted to raise four. Perhaps it’s because my mom originally wanted four but had to settle for one, and I picked up that desire. Bringing up three was pretty busy and full, but I’ve often wondered what it would have been like with four around.
Though it wasn’t such a secret then, over the years I’ve spoken less and less of my early desire to become a professional singer. Singing is something I still very much enjoy, and I hope that I can be a part of a worship team again at some point—and maybe even do “special music” sometime. In the meantime, it’s time for another karaoke trip.
Though it’s not a “secret” per say, I do find that people are often surprised when they find out my dream car is a Hummer. Preferably black. This secret falls under category A—not sure I will ever actually get one, but it’s fun to dream of it.
Finally…I had a secret desire since my teenhood to marry a man who was around six inches taller than me. A bonafide “tall guy.” But alas, I fell in love with a man less than four inches taller than me. The height thing didn’t seem so important anymore.
So, there you go—my secret life—If I’d had four kids I would have quadrupled my parents’ offspring—but as it was, I felt incredibly accomplished as an only child raising three. I love to sing and would welcome more public singing opportunities. I’d be elated to own my own Hummer. And though I had previously wished for a taller husband, I’m happily keeping the one I’ve got.

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