Saturday, November 9, 2013

Life: Twists and Turns

Unpredictable, not a straight line;
Strong rope or, at times, flimsy twine.
Some parts mundane, some surprises—
A roller-coaster, with falls and rises.
Twists and turns unforeseen, unpredicted—
They blind-side you, and air is restricted.
Breath is caught—you think  I’m gonna die,’
‘Til you grasp the truth one can’t deny:
God has purpose in all of life’s trials—
Lasting value in traveling these miles.
Though some joys may not be forthcoming
Life’s a song made of consonance and drumming—
Its melodies growing through meekness,
Steady beats growing strength in our weakness.
A canvas of bright light and color;
A cart drawn by a haphazard puller.
The picture of life twists about
And can turn our whole world inside-out.
Yet we never are far from His grace,
And He knows when one hair’s out of place.
No bird falls without Abba’s awareness.
He sees all of our pain, life’s unfairness.
He commands, overlooks, and redeems,
In spite of how life sometimes seems.
And when twists and turns darken our eyes,
They never take Him by surprise.
God’s love is a beacon—a tower,
Our lives held within His heart’s bower.

"The Lord is close to the broken-hearted
    and saves those who are crushed in spirit." - Psalm 34:18

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