Friday, December 19, 2014

Don't Drain the Juice

Today as I was ladling my chicken noodle soup into my bowl, I realized that I was doing what I had asked my mom to do for me as a child. “Can you drain off most of the juice?” I was draining off the juice so as to get more noodles—the substance of the soup. It occurred to me that this soup was a picture of my life in Christ.
The noodles represent the joys and blessings of life—children and their successes; friends and times of laughter, sharing, and fellowship with them; our homes—and all the special touches that make them ours; unexpected over-and-above provision; days when everything seems to go in our favor; promotions and graduations; the personal touch of the Holy Spirit; fun new experiences.
However, without any juice, my “soup” would be just noodles and would lack flavor. You see, the juice is “the testing of our faith.” There are certain trials, hardships, and challenges in life that allow us to appreciate “the noodles” so much more. God is faithful—that “juice” may slosh all over the place and make a downright mess! But He carries us, comforts us, and longs to bring good out of every situation. It is after coming through such things that we will know how truly good and gracious our God is.

“Taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him” (Psalm 34:8).

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