Saturday, June 6, 2020

This is Me

How to describe me? I’m a little bit country…and I’m a little bit rock ‘n roll. I like the simple pleasures. And I like to be able to let my hair down, and even do the unexpected. I’m typically a rule-follower…but don’t push me too far. I’m nostalgic, but I try not to cling too tightly to the past. However, my heritage—the legacy my parents left for me (mostly in what they valued and taught)—means a great deal to me.

I treasure my gifts and talents, and I try to use them to bless others. I love all kinds of people. I have a close connection to Jesus—and I endeavor to love like He does. I love karaoke, tattoos, writing poetry, and hanging out with my grandson. I enjoy humor, and it keeps me balanced.
I drink coffee, iced tea, alcohol—pretty much whatever I like. At the same time, I am continuing to make healthy choices for my body, soul, and spirit.

Just when you think you’ve got me figured out, I do something unpredictable. I don’t like to fit in a mold, but I also like to belong—to be accepted in your circle, in all my uniqueness and candor. I won’t continue to hang around long where I feel I don’t belong.

I’m a teacher at heart and a writer to my core. Writing improves my mental state and gives my soul wings. I can easily get bogged down by stress—but I am capable of huge amounts of love, and I have found that finding ways to show love is one way out of stress. And one of the people I must not forget to show love to is me.

I will root for the underdog, support the unpopular, and hold dear the “diamonds in the rough” God has put in my life. I am hardcore compassionate and relentlessly merciful. I adore owls and marvel at butterflies.

I’m a serious thinker whose mind never rests. I have insights on many topics and situations, due to a wide range of experiences and challenges. I am strong, perseverant, and full of purpose. I hope I have passed at least some of those qualities on to my children, who are true rays of sunshine to me—even in their hardest moments.

I am blessed by my husband, my family, my friends, comforts, dreams for the future, word-craft (the ability to express a message creatively and effectively with words), my church, my occupation, and the ability to bless others.

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