Tuesday, May 14, 2024


Let your molehills all stay tiny
And your bygones stay intact. 
Don't make something out of nothing
Or turn gossip into fact. 
Don't stir up a pot of trouble 
Where there was no fuss before. 
Don't let Drama come to visit; 
Do not open up that door. 
Don't give time to juicy stories 
Or to business not your own. 
Don't feed rumors--they keep eating, 
And they'll end up overgrown. 
Keep your nose free from intrusion 
Into other folks' affairs. 
Don't become a busy body; 
Mind your own concerns and cares. 
Keep the facts in fit proportion; 
Don't exaggerate the truth. 
Don't hang out with rubbish-miners, 
Digging dirt up like a sleuth. 
Stop before your tongue starts flapping; 
It will soon break free and run! 
And no matter when you catch it, 
The damage will be done. 
Keep a guard upon your mouth; 
It can be a reckless door. 
Edify, encourage others-- 
That 's what words are best used for. 
Oftentimes it is most wise 
To keep thoughts in one's own head-- 
And if nice words can't be uttered, 
To simply say nothing instead.
© 2024 Teresa Miles Kephart

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