Monday, August 4, 2014

What About Tofu?

It looks like a custard but tastes like the ground.
It jiggles like Jell-o yet doesn’t make sound.
It isn’t a meat, and it isn’t a cheese,
And it springs like a sponge when you give it a squeeze.
It isn’t a fish, but fresh water preserves it.
Like fruitcake, one first must decide who deserves it.
Here, try this. What is it? It’s tofu. It’s good.
It’s different (while thinking you’d rather gnaw wood).
But before poor ol’ tofu is scorned and abused,
Know that all is not lost—flavor can be infused.
Whatever you cook it with, it will portray—
It’s a bit of a copycat food, some might say.
Tofu in your fridge may not foster endearment
Because—well, it looks like a science experiment.
Though made from the soybean, it looks rather fungal
Or like something only found deep in the jungle.
It’s strange, it’s perplexing—yet widely consumed.
It’s like something was started…and never resumed;
And so for convenience we’ve given a word
So patrons can order that blob of bean curd.
We use the term “tofu” to describe this mass.
It’s like something you’d yell in a karate class.
But no matter its oddness in flavor or looks—
It may look like brain matter, but it’s praised by skilled cooks.
Just go on the web and consult the ambitious
On “How to Make Tofu Taste Freakin’ Delicious.”
So…what about tofu? Is it worth a try?
Should it have a taste contest with say, kidney pie?
It’s inventive, a wonder—that we cannot deny.
Some folks like to eat it. I still wonder why.


Unknown said...

If you go to Marco Polo restaurant and order one of their Asian meals with tofu, it make convert you!

PhotogeniqueDuo said...

Hey Mama! This was a great way to express what tofu is and isn't. I have never seen anything like it! And now I have a strange craving for it! haha. You should try the appetizer sampler at Thai Orchid with me sometime. They have fried tofu that you dip in a peanutty mixture. It's pretty good!

Byronious T. Kephartious said...

This is excellent! 😂