Sometimes it’s hard to understand
what others are going through—because we can’t truly relate. However, when we’ve
had a similar experience—even if it wasn’t “the same” across the board—we can
identify with others in a way that we otherwise would not be able to.
This is one of the ways in which
God uses our sorrows for good—those things which the devil intended for evil
become tools of hope, healing, comfort—even joy—in the hands of our God.
Realizing this truth can help us to look back and be thankful for the trials—perhaps
not always in the midst of them, but
sometimes even that is possible.
I can relate to:
- those who are raising teenagers
- those who’ve had strong-willed or otherwise behaviorally challenging children
- those whose spouses have ADHD
- those who grew up poor and/or lived in less-than-desirable living situations
- only children
- adults who’ve had to see to the needs of health-declining parents
- people who’ve lost a parent to Alzheimer’s
- people who’ve lost a mom, a dad, or both
- new mother-in-laws
- kids who feel unpopular or “picked on” in school
- mothers who’ve had miscarriages
- those who have a hard time “getting” math
- people who’ve struggled with their weight (and the related food choices) for years
- feeling endlessly disorganized
- people who suffer from depression or anxiety
- any who’ve had a loved one with bi-polar disorder
- parents who feel nervous to send their “kid” on a missions trip out of the country
- kids with chronic sicknesses, especially tonsil-related
- kids who’ve lost pets
- those who’ve always felt “different” or as though they don’t quite “fit” anywhere
- people who’ve carried deep regrets about how they treated others
And many more, I’m sure. Each of
us has a history, a set of actualities or experiences that make up our repertoire
of life. Though the feelings associated with
some of those experiences may not be pleasant, the way in which God can
repurpose them can be incredible. And through their relate-ability, He can also
bring healing to the person relating.
Don’t underestimate the value of
some of your less-than-stellar moments, painful memories, struggles, and
hardships. God may, in fact, want to use something from your redeemed history
in the life of someone who desperately needs to know someone can relate.
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