Monday, June 10, 2024


Active - the word can have 
A lot of different effects.
People may be called "active"
If they've got lots of muscles to flex.
Bacteria can be active—
And they can be good or bad.
Being active in volunteering 
Can make a well-rounded grad.
One can take an active interest 
In anything, it seems;
From "active" is born the "activist," 
Who chases active dreams.
A termite colony's active;
They can take down entire homes.
We find out if lice are active 
In school, with pencils or combs.
To be an "active member" 
Of a group or organization,
One usually has to pay money—
Or face a cancellation.
To be an "active parent" 
Means involvement in kids' lives.
But active in polygamy 
Means you've got a bunch of wives.
When we say "kids should be active," 
Just what do we really mean? 
Most likely, that they should run and play 
And limit their time on a screen.
And then there's "active labor," 
When a baby makes it's debut.
Things get intense and focused;
Usually pushing and breathing ensue.
On medicines, you look to see 
What the active ingredient is,
And if you can pronounce it 
You just might be a whiz.
So many meanings of active—
But the key is this one little piece:
It always involves movement—
Forward motion or gradual increase.
A walk 'round the block is active 
And truly a step that is wise.
If you've been a couch potato 
And never exercise.
Activity always breeds something;
It's the way results come about.
So, be active in something important—
It's largely what life is about.
© 2024 Teresa Miles Kephart

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