Wednesday, June 19, 2024


I was shaped by my past, that is true;
But it does not define who I am—
Though sometimes the devil shows up
Like an email of unwanted spam.
He reminds me of past decisions
(As if somehow I didn’t know),
But God used all things for my good,
To change me and help me to grow.
So I punch up “delete” on those mem’ries
(Accusations in disguise)
And proceed on my journey with Jesus,
Opposing the enemy’s lies.
I am not a failure or worthless
Or one who is overlooked,
For I am on God’s agenda—
And my time with Him is booked.
He’s always got time for me;
He never is too far away;
And He is excited to see me
Each moment of every day.
The Lord has redeemed my past choices.
All sin has been wiped out for good.
And I keep on growing and changing,
Just like a child of God should.

© 2024 Teresa Miles Kephart

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