Thursday, June 6, 2024


In your zeal to be useful,
Make sure your utility 
Is an act of intention
And not of futility.
Don't put new lights 
In a too-dark room.
Don't try to sweep 
With a broken broom.
Don't use a cane 
When crutches are needed.
Don't plant a garden 
In a bed that's un-weeded.
Don't paint a wall
With gloppy paint.
Don't go for a run
When you're feeling faint.
Don't dust the house 
With a dirty rag.
Don't bag your trash 
In a holey bag.
If you understand 
What is common sense,
Perhaps you will fathom 
A deeper truth thence.
Be sure and take care,
As you tend to a friend,
That your energy well
Has enough to expend.
Don't run yourself ragged 
With broken-down tools;
Such things are done 
By those called "fools." 
What's at your disposal,
So "helping" won't be 
A disastrous proposal.
Your utility ends 
When you run at a loss 
And begins when you learn 
How to be your health's boss.
© 2024 Teresa Miles Kephart

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