Monday, June 17, 2024

So Much Nature


As a kid, I was always looking for things to do—and that quest often took me outdoors. I'm not terribly outdoorsy anymore, but there are a few things I learned from being out in God's natural creation—whether it was scavenging furnishings for a clubhouse, exploring trails and climbing trees, helping my dad stack fresh-cut wood, or cutting little alders with a machete alongside my parents via the rich, tree-filled, mountain roads of the Siuslaw National Forest. 

Here are 10 things I learned: 

1) If you're quiet, you will realize God is definitely present in His creation. 

2) You will always discover plants you've never seen before. 

3) Wildlife is to be respected but intently observed. 

4) A "play area" in the forest just requires some rocks or logs and a bit of imagination (but a blanket helps too). 

5) Sooner or letter, you're going to get stranded in the forest overnight (especially if a ten-year-old girl has sat in the vehicle for an extended period of time listening to the radio). 

6) A lot of the scenery will look the same, but pay attention—there are surprises. 

7) Babbling water in a hidden stream-scape is magical.  

8) Nothing is in a rush in the forest, so it's best if you're not either. 

9) Singing makes nature drives more fun, especially if everyone joins in. 

10) Nature equals a world of mystery and wonder; the naked eye takes in all the nuances—tree species, wildflowers, and little critters that may appear. 

From the sky above to the earth beneath, all things were made by God. "Through him all things were made; without him nothing was made that has been made" (John 1:3). Breathe in His goodness as you observe His majestic creation.

Don't spend too much time indoors.

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