Monday, June 24, 2024

Fragile: Handle With Care

Babies are fragile, dependent, so new—
To gently cradle and fully protect.
And things made of glass are delicate too 
Ceramics, fine China, things we collect.
Egg shells, when bumped, usually crack apart.
Mirrors are breakable--windows shatter.
Butterflies are slight; fruit falls from the cart.
Dry leaves crunch; even bones, for that matter.
A voice box can be prone to overuse.
Flower petals fall, and stems often snap.
Most things can break if subject to abuse.
Kites, flown around trees, can recklessly wrap.
A vulnerable hurt can last too long.
As hard as one may try to be immune,
The heart is the most fragile—and most strong.
Keep your spirit and intellect in tune.
Shield your heart—and to dangers be on guard.
Always think for yourself and reason out.
Wounded hearts can't be bypassed, though it's hard;
But it's your heart God wants and cares about.
If good boundaries are set and kept true
And clear-headed decisions made to boot,
Heartbreak won't inevitably ensue—
The harvest of the heart will be good fruit.

© 2024 Teresa Miles Kephart

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