Friday, October 11, 2013

Friday Phrases: "Ring True"

"Ring true" is a phrase meaning "to sound or seem true or likely." It originates from the practice of testing the quality of metal or glass by striking it and evaluating the sound made. Today I am using it in a poem, which I pray will ring true to you. I've been sharing lots of encouragements via my blog, and my greatest hope is that these things cause my readers not to look at me but to look to the Lord, for it's He who has motivated me to share them, and I am often "preaching to the choir." But that's a phrase for another day. ☺

Let My Words Ring True

When I speak encouraging words,
Don’t assume I stand apart.
Most likely I have been there
And mean it from the heart.
Don’t think I’ve long surpassed
The kind of trials that you face
Or that I do not see myself
As running in your race.
When I speak words of wisdom,
They are from the Lord above,
And I’m forever grateful
For His mercy and His love.
I could not last a season
If left to my own weak power,
And many days, I’m made aware
I could not last an hour!
It is not with any judgment
When I point you to His Word—
I just want you to choose truth!
I can’t count the lies I’ve heard.
Our lives can be an image
That’s mistakenly perceived
When truthfully, they’re products
Of the grace we have received.
If I could tell you anything
I’ve learned or I have known,
It’s “put your trust in Jesus.”
For it’s in that trust, I’ve grown.
I falter, and I fail,
Fall in doubt and unbelief—
But praise God I don’t stay there;
I choose joy instead of grief.
And though sorrows may befall me,
Lasting just a little while,
There is joy around each corner,
Step by step and mile by mile.
So if I say ‘believe Him,’
‘Only follow in His ways.’
It’s ‘cause I know He’s faithful
And worthy of all praise.
He’s proved to me His goodness,
And so He will to you.
I speak because He’s able
To let my words ring true.

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