Saturday, October 12, 2013

Saturday Solace: He Knows You


My Jesus
My Loving One
You love me in a way
That cannot be outdone
Stroking my face
With your gentle touch,
I feel all the ways
That you love me so much
You ask me for nothing
But my heart’s deep devotion
I am swept by a gale
Of unending emotion
Beyond all fear
Beyond any doubt
You know and love me
Inside out
When I touch your heart
For a moment so still
I empty myself
So your Spirit can fill
While wrapped in your arms
I’m protected and hidden
It deepens my passion
And deeper I’m bidden
You call me to enter
As your Beloved Bride
The realm of the loved
Where our spirits collide
And all time, silent, stops
In that intimate place
And I look in your eyes
As you gaze on my face
My love is poured out
And my worship is free
For my life is made new
As You—Into me—
© 2013 Teresa Miles Kephart

When I wrote that poem in a journal long ago, I think it was during a church service. Sometimes during worship, I’ll hear the Lord speaking to my heart and I will get inspired—and I have to write it down when it comes.

This poem was an encouragement to my spirit—that no matter what I was going through—God knew me through and through and could fill me to meet each challenge I faced.

I went through a lot of guilt during the years my parents were in nursing home care—my mom in skilled nursing and my dad in the Alzheimer’s unit. I felt like I wasn’t doing enough—like somehow I could have done more—maybe even prevented them from having to be there. Even though I knew that wasn’t true, I had doubts that kept me in a place of isolation for a while—I withdrew from God, and I think I felt unworthy of His love. When this poem came to me it was clear that God was calling me back—that He  was filling me with His love and taking care of all my earthly concerns—and that included my parents. He wanted me to reach out to Him, from the depths of my being.

That’s what I think it means in Jeremiah when the prophet declares, “You have searched me and you know me.” He knows you—better than you even know yourself—and He wants to meet you where you are, but you have to empty yourself—let Him have room in your heart. He knit you together in your mother’s womb—just think how profound that is! He knows you, and as you draw close to Him, He will banish your fears and doubts, deliver you from any guilt and shame you may be feeling, and renew all things in your life with a single embrace. Enter that realm today, and don’t hold back.

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