Wednesday, August 14, 2013


If you've been following my blog, you know already that I'm using mugs to represent friends that are dear to me, inspired by a coffee poem I once wrote containing the line "Each cup on my shelf doth a friend represent."

I've known Diane Foster since I was a mere eighteen years old! She has always treated me with respect and kindness, and I consider her family.

One of the first things that I observed about Diane all those years ago was her confidence. I quickly learned that her confidence is in the Lord, and that's why it stands out so.

Diane has always been honest with me, even when I would have preferred she wasn't--we all need friends like that. She is a friend who wants the very best for those she loves, and she wants it passionately.

Passionate is a word that definitely fits with Diane--she seeks the Lord with great passion, and she applies that same degree of passion to her relationships with others. Like the mug in the picture, she is bold. When the Lord speaks to her, she listens and responds, even if it means she may have to do something a bit scary.

The color of the mug is a strong, rich color. I've not known many people with a character as strong as Diane's. She has been through just about every category of trial one can experience--some that many wouldn't bounce back from--and she has continued to fight the good fight, to keep the faith--and race on. (2 Timothy 4:7). She is an inspiration. She has a deep love for her God, her family, and her friends.

This poem I wrote just today sums up, to me, her relationship with God. She understands and knows the depths of His heart, and she trusts Him. Diane is someone I admire. I learn so much about knowing God from watching her. She endeavors to keep her heart soft and pliable so that God's love can penetrate every area, and I love that about her.

Precious, Perfect Love
I hear you, Lord. I’m listening,
And I won’t shut my ears.
I lean into your steadfast arms,
In spite of all my fears.
Fear melts away in your embrace,
And I am held within.
No matter where I go, you’re there—
And whether I lose or win.
The outcome doesn’t matter
When I put my hope in you—
And that I’ll do unashamedly—
For yours is the way that’s true.
Though mountains crumble ‘round me
And meteors pummel the earth,
I’ll stand on the rock of your promise,
For I know the truth of my worth.
This knowledge has kept me from falling,
Though trials my heart wouldst undo;
I know in my life there is purpose
And that I am precious to you.
So I will continue to listen,
And I will continue to hear
My Daddy’s voice calling me onward
Where perfect love casts out fear.
© 2013, Teresa Miles Kephart

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