Tuesday, August 20, 2013


My daughter Kalina has one of the biggest hearts I know. But "big" isn't a totally apt descriptor for it--it's deep and seems to be ever expanding. If you know Kalina, you know it to be true. Kalina's friends love her, in part, because she is unceasingly thoughtful and gives them her full attention. She is very unselfish and will go out of her way to share with them--giving them the very best she has to offer and taking what's left for herself. I've seen her sacrifice the last portion of a favorite meal to feed a friend. Like Pumba in The Lion King, Kalina is "a sensitive soul," though she sometimes seems thick-skinned. She cares deeply about the needs and concerns of others--she checks on them, prays for them, encourages them--and is not satisfied until everyone is okay.

The depth of Kalina's heart is a perfect counterpart to her prophetic nature. Kalina is discerning--about the things of God and the things of people. She hears God's voice clearly, and she sees people's true worth, when they may not even see it themselves. This discerning nature, combined with her capacity for unconditional love, has helped Kalina in forging a rare and close relationship with her brother. I can't describe how much Kalina's love for Josiah blesses me. She is his hero, and as a result, she is mine as well.

Kalina is stubborn but not unbendable. She is reasonable and willing to consider others' perspectives--but she does stand by her convictions. She is tenacious--in her pursuit of what she believes in and deems important. This makes her a passionate follower of Christ, a champion of her friends and family, and an outstanding student.

When Kalina was just sixteen, she embarked on a journey to Haiti--the youngest of the five-member, all female team. It was a trip that not only opened her eyes but her heart. Working in an orphanage there for most of her stay, she fell in love with the Haitian people, especially the children. There were challenges—even life-threatening ones—her team faced on this trip. Kalina embraced each one with courage and faith, knowing that God had called her there and that she was in His hands. I know Kalina’s future will include more trips—across the oceans—sharing the love of Jesus. She is a born traveler and an adventurer through and through.

If you think all these descriptions make Kalina sound "intense," you'd be right. But I like to think of her as a fireball--blazing a trail that is unlike anyone else's; not following the crowd; pursuing her destiny with intention and vision.

Part of Kalina's vision includes becoming a well-known writer. She is beyond capable. I am amazed at her ability to weave an intricate plot and make the characters come to life. She is not afraid to tackle difficult subject matter. From the time she was young, Kalina had a way of getting her point across in a story and choosing unlikely heroes--one year for Young Authors at school, her story's hero was a slug. This character was, of course, the center of humorous (yet pivotal) events.

Kalina possesses a quick wit, combined with a flair for the dramatic. She's a stand-up comic without even trying, and I cannot count the number of friends, family members--even teachers who've said, "Kalina is hilarious." She absolutely is. And she continues to bring much joy to our family with her off-the-cuff antics.

If you think that a person this "colorful" must possess some form of artistic ability, again you'd be right. Kalina can draw with great detail and perspective, but she prefers acrylics. She has a style all her own that incorporates her humor, keen observation skills, and love of rich colors. She loves to paint for her friends and family and has blessed several with one of her originals. I would say that painting is one of Kalina's love languages. She is always conscientious about how each piece turns out and that it reflects something important about the recipient.

Kalina's love for others is profound. If someone she loves is hurting, she will go out of her way to minister to them in a tender, purposeful way--praying for them, encouraging them, making herself available. So deep is her heart that she will not fully rest until she knows everyone is okay. 

Not only is Kalina an incredible daughter—she is a good friend to me. I will often ask her opinion on things I’m trying to figure out because I know she will give me an honest and level-headed answer. I appreciate that Kalina is forthright and authentic. And I’m blessed that she knows who she is—she is a Princess of Grace to the Father, and He has big plans for her life. I am excited to see it all unfold and thrilled that He has allowed me to give my heart to this amazing young woman. My life is forever enriched because of her—I am a wealthy woman indeed.

I will close this blog post with a special message I sent to Kalina a couple years ago. My words then are true today as well. Thank you, Kalina, for being who you are—no one could ever take your place nor hold such a precious place in my heart.

1 comment:

Kalina said...

Whenever I am feeling down I will sometimes read this blog post; I have a personal copy printed out and I took it to college with me. I've read it twice thus far.
I feel very blessed by the things you say about me and all you see in me, it truly means a lot.