Thursday, August 15, 2013


My friend Marjie isn't an avid coffee drinker, but as a friend she truly pours herself out--making sure I know she is available if I ever need anything--thus she gets a cream pitcher to represent her instead of a mug. She is right up there with all the other "mugs," but in some ways she is set apart. How does Marjie stand out? She's extremely level-headed, full of wisdom, witty--and she cares about the little things. Speaking of little things...Marjie is one of my--how shall we say--stature-challenged friends. So the size of her representative piece of crockery seems rather appropriate. :)

Aside from her height, reasoning ability, foresight, and keen sense of humor, Marjie radiates sunshine. When she smiles, it lights up a room. Marjie likes to tell people she grew up in a redneck town, and there are some vestiges of that influence that subtly present themselves--her love of sweet tea, the way she gets a little twang in her voice from time to time, etc. But any redneckish-ness has been woven beautifully into the masterpiece that is Marjie--helping to make her a warm and hospitable person. I always feel at home in Marjie's house and comfortable in her company. She makes me feel important and esteemed.

For those who may not know, Marjie's name is actually Marjorie--thus the "j" in her name--and I have to admit that it drives me CRAZY when people misspell it. There is absolutely no one on the planet like Marjie, and she shines with a brightness reminiscent of a picnic on a country red quilt on a sunny day, surrounded by freshly mown grass--there's a coziness and comfort about her that is simply unmatched. I am so proud to count her among my dearest friends.

M ade like no other
     “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, ...” Jer. 1:5a
A dored by the Father
     “Keep me as the apple of your eye;...” Ps. 17:8a
R ighteous in His sight
“...that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” 2 Cor. 5:21b
J udging what’s right
“Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is--...” Rom. 12:2a
O rganized, making a way
            “She watches over the affairs of her household...” Prov. 3:27a
R esponding to God’s voice each day
“...his sheep follow him because they know his voice.” John 10:4b
I mparting the joy of the Son
     “A cheerful heart is good medicine...” Prob. 17:22
E stablished as God’s chosen one
            “But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood, ...” I Pet. 2:9a

© 2002, Teresa Miles Kephart

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