Friday, August 16, 2013


My friend Julie is hard to describe in words, but I'll do the best I can. She is a beautiful woman in so many ways--but the word "beautiful" is so overused--I would say stunning and alluring. There's a mystery in Julie's eyes, and those who look into them are captivated. Why this particular mug? Because Julie is about new experiences--some stick to one standard thing in many areas of life--they're either a mocha person or a cappucino person, so to speak. Not Julie. She is incessantly brave and willing to sample all that God has for her. Plus, she does love coffee and is a bit of a connoisseur.

I would say that Julie and I have a prophetic connection--she hears from God very specifically, and (at the risk of sounding prideful) I hear from God very specifically in a way that enflames my writing. In 2007, I wrote a poem that I shared with Julie - she connected with it on so many levels, she made it her own; and she's been asking me for prophetic poems ever since. When I talk to the Lord about Julie, He always has a lot to say. Sometimes there will be a phrase that doesn't make sense at the time, but down the road the pieces fall into place. This connection between us has developed and grown stronger over time because Julie trusts the Holy Spirit in me--this definitely increases my level of responsibility to hear accurately. But it also has made it a delight to write for Julie, allowing God's presence to envelop me and anoint my pen (or keyboard, as the case may be). Julie has caused the prophetic part of me to grow by continually encouraging me to write down the words I hear from the Lord.

And she hears from the Lord in a unique and personal way I still marvel at--Julie and God have an ongoing open dialogue that is phenomenal.

The Lord has many names for Julie that have shown up in several of my poems for her. Some she may wish to keep private, but one that I love and don't think she'd mind me sharing is Sweet Lamb with a Lion's Heart. That is Julie to a "t." She looks for personal ways to bless people, according to what they enjoy. She brought my favorite kind of hummus to church camp for me, just because she loves me and knew it would make me happy. She's very humble in her sweet acts, and her sweetness goes beyond gifts--she has a way of building others up, which is especially apparent when she prays. Words of life and God's words of adoration come from her lips, and you can't help but feel loved by God when Julie prays for you. She has a tender and faith-filled place in her heart for those who need healing or a special touch from God.

Julie loves the people of Thailand (her native land) fiercely and intercedes for them passionately--she stands in the gap not only for her people in the regional sense, but she also has been a steadfast safeguard for her family here in Salem, both in the physical and spiritual sense. Julie will not hesitate to claim God's best and take back ground that the enemy has stolen. She is a spiritual fireball--fearless and unstoppable. Definitely lion-hearted.

When I want to be inspired from the depths of my soul in my writing, I talk to Julie. But it's not just about me in that department--she is a very gifted writer. In addition to the work (often in the form of prophetic words) she does for the Elijah List, the Lord has given her stories to tell that will bless children. Julie's heart for children is incredible--one only needs to see a picture of her with her niece Christen to know that this is true.

Julie loves deeply. Once you make a heart connection with her, it's hard-wired. To know you're in her heart is like a chocolate fountain--you can take as much as you want, and it just keeps flowing. I only hope that I can be a friend worthy of the esteem she has shown me. Julie is amazing.

I mentioned that Julie is incessantly brave. That's why this poem is really the theme song of her life--her legacy. I would like to close with it in tribute to my friend, whom I greatly admire. I love you, Jules.

Oh, so brave, my child
Unfolding destiny
Not because you’ve acted brave
But because I’ve made you to be
Why would you ever be fearful again
Now that you know what is true?
You’re called to a walk of unveiling
That I walk, hand-in-hand, child with you
The path may seem obscured at times
At times your heart may race
Just remember to keep in step with me
And focus on my smiling face
Though you only see but a few steps ahead,
Child, I can see it all—
The steps you have taken, the ones yet to take
Though you call them big, for me small
Though evil may rise up to scare you
You’ll conquer the most wretched knave
Remember, in my arms I bear you
And remember, my child, you are brave
Through valleys I will lead you,
Up hillsides we will climb
The narrowest, hidden trails take
To places not bound by time
Sometimes we’ll run, exhilarated
At others, we’ll stop for awhile
It is in those times I will teach you
And hold you, as you pass the trial
You’ll never be far from my keeping
For it is your closeness I crave
And even while you lie sleeping
I’ll see, at the core of you, Brave
For I have formed your inmost parts
And fashioned you ever to be
An ever-opening flower
Of beauty that others will see
No longer will you hide your passion,
Nor forbid your heart beat as it should
Nor hide behind fear or excuses
But see, how I’ve made you is good
No need to run from your reflection
Nor seek the night’s enshrouding cave
Your face is the face of true courage
You belong to the day. You are brave.

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