Friday, August 30, 2013

Fruit of the Spirit Friday: Love

Love is the primary fruit of the Spirit that all the others depend upon. God’s love in and through us enables us to live by the Spirit. 

When we spend time with the Holy Spirit, God’s love is perfected in us. The Holy Spirit and the love of God go hand in hand. God is love, so when we experience more of God, we can’t help but experience more of His love.

I know someone who has experienced this love in some pretty astounding ways. Her name is Gabby Heusser. In fact, God’s love has set her free from the past in such a way that she literally oozes His love wherever she goes, and in whatever she does. The fruit of Love definitely continues to grow in her life and touch those around her, planting seeds that, in God’s perfect timing, will produce even more fruit. And it has touched me and produced fruit in my life. 

Gabby is writing a book that shares a powerful story. I’ve only had the privilege of reading part of her manuscript, but the pages are full of the tenderness, compassion, and wisdom of God’s love.  It’s what struck me so much when I read it, and it’s what struck me the first time I ever heard Gabby speak to a group of children (last year in chapel at Crosshill Christian School, where I was a teacher at the time).

Visiting with Gabby, one’s heart can’t help but feel touched in some gentle way. She simply radiates His love. It got me to thinking today—when I think of the fruit of the Spirit, Gabby is one of the people I think of. She is a product of God’s love, and because that’s what she has received and embraced, it’s what she gives out. Of course the Lord has cultivated other things in her life, but knowing how much God deeply and passionately loves her keeps Gabby close to His Spirit and in a place of freedom to share that love with others. 

Does this mean that Gabby never has struggles because she’s so wrapped up in God’s love? No, but she’s embraced a truth in the very depths of her being that popped up in my devotions today in Max Lucado’s book, Grace for the Moment. The truth is this: He never lets us go. Even when we have our doubts. As Max puts it, “Doubts don’t separate doubters from God’s love.” His love is abundant, all-sufficient, and persistent. Gabby knows this, and so she is a living example of the fruit of Love

None of us are perfect, but we need not fear because of the God who is perfect. I John 4:18 says that “perfect love drives out fear.”  And because of the Father’s great love, He sent Jesus. “For by one sacrifice he has made perfect forever those who are being made holy (Hebrews 10:14).” This ultimate sacrifice of love is what set us free from condemnation and is also what perfects us. Love is behind everything God has ever done for us, or will do.

May we grow in our knowledge of God’s love today and, like my friend Gabby, sow it into the lives of those around us. What a blessed testimony for others to  one day say of us, “This was a person who loved to the full.” Fill us with your love today, Lord, that we may spread it like wildfire. Give us a hunger for it—so much that we just can’t get enough. May the fruit of your love in our lives be evident to all and serve to nourish their hungry souls as it has ours.

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