Tuesday, August 13, 2013


My friend Paige is WAY more colorful as a person than this mug would suggest, but it's the essence of her soul that is emulated in the simple elegance of this mug. Paige is unassuming and inquisitive. This mug is not pretentious, leaving room for what more it could be--what more could be discovered. Its very color (earth blue) suggests curiosity and cultivation. That is who Paige is--she's always learning, always creating something new to expand her environment. She is captivated by simple beauty--that of a chicken's feathers, a child's face, a flower's colors. She sees potential not only in pieces of furniture or plots of land but in people as well. That is what is so comforting and reassuring about being Paige's friend--she sees the yet-to-be-tapped talent and character that each person holds within.

Because of these qualities and more, I am proud to call Paige a dear friend. I'll close with a brief excerpt from a birthday poem I wrote for her in 2010 entitled "What You Mean to Me":

What you mean to me is a comrade, a confidant, and a safe place
I know I can count you my ally no matter what trials I face
What you mean to me—inspiration, encouragement, freedom to be
You accept me as I am and you love the uniqueness of me
You’re honoring, kind, and forgiving—I’m so thankful that God could foresee
That we would be friends here together; He knew what you’d mean to me

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