Friday, September 20, 2013

"Fruit of the Spirit" Friday: Faithfulness

He hath shewed thee, O man, what is good; and what doth the Lord require of thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with thy God? - Micah 6:8, KJV

This verse became significant to me back in the early nineties when I received it as a "rhema" word from the Lord at a women's retreat. To me, this verse sums up well God's perspective on faithfulness. I have had a history of being hard on myself and feeling like I never quite measure up to what a "good Christian" should be. But what God expects is often so much different than what we expect of ourselves. 

First, He says to "do justly." In other words, do what is right in terms of our actions. But we cannot act in a way that's contrary to what we believe in our hearts. Thus, the next part of God's gracious requirement is to "love mercy." If we pursue the development of a merciful heart, we will be able to treat others right. And related to all of that is the last part of the verse, "walk humbly with thy God." If we sincerely ask the Lord to keep us humble, He will. If we seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, He will give us His perspective and add many blessings besides. Nothing pleases the Lord's heart more than one who desires to follow Him in all things--to obey Him and do His will. That means walking with Him. That is true faithfulness--staying alongside the Lord so that your heart is a consistent reflection of His own.

Though I have not "arrived" in terms of ultimate, unwavering faithfulness, it is my desire and my prayer for God to be lifted up and me diminished. And I know God is patient as my heart continues to grow and change, being perfected more and more into Christ's likeness. 

Checkpoint Questions to Tell if You're Reflecting Christ?

1) Am I acting in a way that is just (not necessarily "fair" but right)?
2) Is my heart geared toward mercy (there may be times for healthy boundaries, but is my motivation one of mercy rather than judgment)?
3) Am I more concerned with what God wants right now or what I want?

Don't forget that a walk with another person means "in step," "side by side," "in sync." Stay in sync with Him, and by doing so you shall become one of whom the Lord can say, "Well done, good and faithful servant." And aren't those the words we all want to hear? Step by step, my friend--but remember not to walk alone.

1 comment:

PhotogeniqueDuo said...

This is filled with revelation after revelation. Little reminders of what my heart knows and what my ears have heard, but what my mind easily forgets to help me apply. Thanks so much for inspiring me today