Sunday, September 15, 2013

Story Sunday: A Visit With My Dad

This is a true story, written the day it actually occurred--it details a visit with my dad, who had Alzheimer's Disease, when he was in care at Dallas Retirement Village. It was January 18, 2009. It was a memorable visit for several reasons, but mostly that it was such a happy day for my dad, which blessed me tremendously. It's a gift to have memories like this to hold onto:

I went to see my dad today, which I was very hesitant about—the last couple times he seemed worried about so many things and not particularly happy. It was difficult. Today he looked at me like I was the sun coming out on a cloudy day. He said that he’d been praying today that this would be the day I would show up. I said, “Well, I guess I’m an answer to prayer then.” Dad was positive and seemed to really revel in my visit. I read to him, listened to impassioned (albeit disjointed) tales of long-ago, and we made each other laugh. My dad’s quite the humor master--he told me, “They like me ‘cause I’m kind of a card around here.” He truly is well-liked.

I brought Dad some of his beloved sugar-free hot apple cider packets. He was drinking coffee in the dining room when I got there, so half-way through our visit I went and got him some hot water so he could have a cup of his cider. My worst fears then came true. Completely bypassing the steaming water, he dumped the cider packet into his coffee, explaining, “This works out the best for me.” Perhaps Dad is aware of some health benefit to such an irregular combination that I am not familiar with (aside from the fact that it’s surely bound to put hair on one’s chest). At any rate, I only tried to imagine what it might taste like and have decided to go on leaving it to my imagination.

It was a visit worth remembering, and I challenge you all to spice up your coffee with a little something extra. Or better yet, spice up someone else’s coffee—that may be more fun.

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