Ready for “Love and Good Deeds”
Today, I would
like for us to take a look at Hebrews 10:22-24. This Scripture passage has come
to mean a great deal to me. Because a friend and I have agreed to consistently practice
the admonishment it gives about spurring one another on, I have grown in some
areas I struggled with for many years; and I believe she has also made
significant and continual progress in prioritizing and accomplishing important
things—the kind that fall under the category of “love and good deeds.”
The Scripture
passage reads: “…let us draw near to God with a sincere heart and with the full
assurance that faith brings, having our hearts sprinkled to cleanse us from
a guilty conscience and having our bodies washed with pure water. Let
us hold unswervingly to the hope we
profess, for he who promised is faithful. And let us consider how we may spur one another on towards love and
good deeds,…” [emphases mine]
Drawing Near With Assured Hearts
Because Jesus— in
the shedding of His blood unto death— made a way for us, we can draw near to
God confidently. We’ve been cleansed and made pure. There is nothing to
separate us from God, and so our hearts can rejoice and reach out for the
Father in full assurance of faith. We are assured of our salvation, as well as
of His desire to know us, walk with us, and give us a brand new life.
As this new school
year begins and the leaves begin to turn, the season of life—for many of us—is also
changing. There are new routines, new expectations, new responsibilities. How
comforting to know that God looks at our hearts—not our performance in all of
these areas, and His desire is for sincerity. He wants us to be “real” with
Him. His desire is that we would draw near, and with a humble heart seek His wisdom, not our own. If our hearts
remain open to the Father’s leading—then even in life’s untried seasons, we can
have full assurance. For He who called us is faithful (I Thessalonians 5:24).
Amazing Hope
Because we belong
to Him, we possess a hope that is greater than anything life may throw at us. “See
what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called
children of God!” (I John 3:1a) As children of God, our hope
is never misplaced. God is our Father, and our hope in Him will not be
disappointed because He is faithful. This means He is affectionate, honorable, steadfast, and trustworthy toward us. So we need not swerve to the left or the
right. He is our dependable Rock, in whom we can always take refuge. No matter
what crises you or your children may have, don’t take for granted the amazing
hope of being able to cast all your cares on Him—for He cares for you (I Peter
Let us Consider
Because we hold
the hope of the promises of God, we have everything we need to encourage one
another—especially those who need a little “push” to keep going—“towards love
and good deeds.” When you spur a horse on, it’s not to be cruel or to cause injury—it’s because there’s a destination
(at times, to get away from danger) or a race to be run. And chances are,
someone else is counting on the runner.
God tells us in
His Word to consider how to “spur”—to
be one who motivates or provides an impetus that keeps others moving forward. Who
is counting on you today—to be a voice of wisdom, to share a life-giving word
at just the right moment, to help them put things in the proper perspective? We
all have people we need to spur on—and there are those who in turn spur us on. It is vitally important to be
connected to the Father’s heart so that we can “be there” for one another, in
any season—but especially in those that are rough.
Love Perpetuated, Good Deeds Activated
And where is this spurring to take us? Towards love and
good deeds. If we are headed in the direction of love, others will be lifted up—able
to take the love they’ve received and do the same for someone else. Good deeds
are an inevitable result when we are walking in love.
“Good deeds” doesn’t
have to mean serving the homeless (though it can); it doesn’t have to mean
teaching Sunday School (though it can). Good deeds are those things we do that
honor God. It might be simply making a good use of the time He’s given you in
your day; reading with your son or daughter; praying for a friend who lives far
away; talking to your neighbor.
We each have our
own race, filled with good works that God prepared in advance for us to do. But
others are in the race with us. Let’s
not leave our teammates behind. Let’s spur one another on. On to being healthy, on to applying the Word of God in
everyday life, on to mending
relationships, on to greater intimacy
in marriage, on to clearing essential
hurdles in parenting, on to using their
gifts, on to fulfilling their dreams.
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