Friday, July 12, 2024

Big Boys

Even big boys stumble.
Even big boys fall.
Being big doesn't mean
You have no fears at all.
It's taking up the courage
To try a thing that's new
And setting goals to reach
That thing you want to do.
Being big means you'll learn
When to push and when to pull,
How to learn from your mistakes,
And steer clear of pointless "bull."
You learn who you can trust
And who you should avoid.
You practice working hard
And not being quickly annoyed.
A big boy is responsible
And tries to do what's right.
But he'll need help sometimes
And someone to shed light.
Being big doesn't mean
You do it all on your own;
It's knowing when to ask for help—
To be taught and guided and shown.
Big boys don't blame others.
They're honest, not seeking escape
From choices and actions taken
That ended up in bad shape.
A big boy is big enough
To apologize when he's wrong—
And when called on to help,
It doesn't take him long. 
So, if you've got a little boy
Who seems big work to raise,
Remember, you're raising a big boy
Who'll one day bring your praise. 
© 2024 Teresa Miles Kephart

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