Friday, July 26, 2024

In Spades


I don’t have to fret over what to wear.

I’ve got clothes in my closet—just look in there!

I don’t need to worry about what to eat.

I’ve got plenty of veggies, fruits, and meat.

A place to live? I am not distressed,

For God is my shelter, and I am blessed.

His promise to care for me will not be broken;

He knows what I need before it is spoken.

Some say it is fortune, astrology,

Karma, luck—what else could it be?

Well, it is the Lord, and His mercies fail not—

No matter what you’ve been told or taught.

Whenever doubt, my heart, invades,

I’m reminded, I have God’s goodness in spades.


© 2024 Teresa Miles Kephart

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