Monday, July 1, 2024



It’s awkward when you’ve traveled far

And need to turn around.

What will become of your “place”

And the comfortable niche you have found?


Will friendships survive the sharp turn?

Will they think you’re just lost?

But destinations do change—

We must wisely consider the cost.


Sometimes other grass looks greener.

Sometimes it may not be.

But perhaps it truly is

Because it’s tended to differently.


At times a pivot is gradual

And may not be foreseen.

But when extremes are called for,

It’s a far more complicated scene


Why would you go that direction?

It seems you’re wandering.

They don’t know how serious—

And to what depths you’ve been pondering.


To navigate the unfamiliar

Seems a bit foolhardy,

But staying in the wrong place

Is no better cause for a party.


So, you steer the wheel with purpose,

With all you’ve learned intact.

Though the route’s not fully mapped,

It’s a time to believe and to act.


New streets and roads are a challenge,

And you will need a guide—

To navigate the unknown.

The Holy Spirit is by your side.


© 2024 Teresa Miles Kephart


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I absolutely love the theme!!