Wednesday, April 13, 2016

April Apperceptions: A.M. Excursion (AKA "The Morning Commute")

First of all, I don't really consider my drive to work in the morning a "commute." I feel fortunate to only be twenty-five minutes away from the school where I teach. And even when I wasn't teaching there--I was doing this commute. I've been driving back and forth to this school for the better part of sixteen years.

My morningtide musings consist of figuring out (split-second) whether or not I need to take the Hope Avenue "detour" so I don't end up stuck in the infamous Wallace Road back-up; devising strategies for my day at school; looking forward to events I have scheduled for after school; singing with the radio; praying;...and on the rare yet joyous occasion--drinking coffee.

The commute, though sometimes frustrating due to the amount of traffic and other drivers' unfortunate choices, goes by quickly--and so it is more of an "errand," one that always leads to some wonderful things while teaching amazing children alongside incomparable co-workers.

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