Tuesday, April 19, 2016

April Apperceptions: The Fearsome Five

I could say that with God on my side there is nothing to fear, which is true--or even "...do not fear, for I am with you" (Isaiah 41:10), God's own words. But I would be lying if I said that I never have any fear. Certainly, I seek to not fear, and when I recognize fear I generally send it packing. But fears come all the same.

Some fears are more general and aren't at the forefront all the time--like the fear of death. But others are more specific, like a fear of going outside--something one has to deal with daily. Still other fears are relatively innocuous unless the heat of a situation is "turned up," so to speak. For example, if someone is afraid of spiders he or she might just avoid them, yet not run in fear every time one is spotted. But...if that same person was enclosed with a great number of spiders, that might be a different story--the fear would be intensified.

So here are some of my fears (five, to be exact), from more ethereal to those that I have to battle on a regular basis.

1. Fear of being beheaded. - No, this isn't one I think of very often. But when I think about things worsening in our world, according to Scripture, it is something that crosses my mind.

2. Fear of drowning. - This one is almost a rational fear--since I'm not a water person and consequently not a very good swimmer.

3. Fear of rejection/scorn. - This mostly has to do with obeying the Lord and/or sharing about Him and possibly being rejected (or having the message rejected at least), which I have experienced. It's not pleasant, but it seems to be survivable. Still, I fear it. In the moments when I am able to step beyond those fears though, I give God room to do great things.

4. Fear of not being a good friend. - This is one I've had for years. I do believe that I'm a good friend. For a long time though, I wasn't sure. I had a fear that I would always screw up and not be the kind of friend I should--that I would hurt people I cared about in the process. The enemy tried to get me to believe that I shouldn't make friends at all. But even though it was hard, I held onto the tenuous belief that I could be a good friend and that God wanted me to have close relationships. But every once in a while...the enemy catches hold of my old insecurities and whispers the lie that I'm not a good friend. And that's when I have a choice to believe God or believe Satan.

5. Fear of the future. - This one is actually the one I seem to battle the most. It's one big fear made up of many interrelated ones, each significant in its own way yet magnified if too much focus is given to the fear surrounding it. For example, I fear some of my kids living out their days not serving God; losing my husband to a premature death; never accomplishing my dreams; never knowing what it's like to not struggle financially or relationally.

So what do I do with these fears? Well, obviously at times I entertain them. But I have an advantage--God's truth. And when I compare these fears to what He has to say--they lose their power. Even if some of these things were to come to pass, God is still God--and He's still good. His love reaches beyond my deepest, darkest fears and knocks them for a loop.

"There is no fear in love. But perfect love drives out fear, because fear has to do with punishment. The one who fears is not made perfect in love" (I John 4:18). The best, most secure place I can be is immersed in the Father's great love for me. It's in that place that I am comforted, empowered, strengthened--even hidden. And as long as fears come--which they shall--it's what I'll keep on choosing.

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