Wednesday, April 27, 2016

April Apperceptions: Ex Communication

Today's writing challenge topic: Things you'd say to an ex.

Well...when I was in the third grade, I had a "boyfriend." We shared a long-term relationship, for something like three days. Somehow, I began to see some undesirable characteristics. I walked up to him on the playground one day and announced that I was breaking up with him. He looked puzzled, so I offered to give him reasons (which I'd rehearsed several times in my head): "Because you're too short, you're too ugly, and you're too weird." And with those crushing words, I walked off. If I had it to do over again, I probably would've let the poor kid down more gently--but I was inexperienced in such matters.

Now that I am an adult, with many years of relational "expertise" under my belt, I imagine that if I were to see my ex--whom I haven't seen in over twenty-five years--I'd probably express something like the following:

"How are you? I hope you've been well." And if that bit of interaction wasn't too terribly awkward, I'd probably ask what he was doing these days and share a bit about my family. But that would be under the best-case scenario. I have no ill in my heart; nor do I have a desire to re-connect on a permanent basis. But I am sometimes curious--and I hope for the best because I recognize that in spite of the past, God desires the very best for him.

I've come a long way from the too short/ugly/weird days. I believe I would be kind, polite, and cautious--all at the same time. I may never get that chance--or perhaps one day in heaven--but my heart is for a good future for my ex and any almost-exes in my past.

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