Thursday, April 7, 2016

April Apperceptions: Thinking of Inking...Someday

Today's writing challenge called for me to reveal what tattoos I have and whether they have special meaning.

Well...sorry to disappoint--but I don't have any. That's not to say that I don't ever want any though. I have a scar from a freak freezer accident; it was a dead chest freezer that was full of food--we had loaded it onto a trailer, and when one end of the trailer got weighed down by the freezer, the other end bounced up (much like a teeter-totter) and scraped all the way up my calf, causing instant bleeding and a permanent scar. I'd like to cover it at some point with a vine-type tattoo with all sorts of flowers blooming from it as sort of a symbol of life. I would choose some flowers with meanings that represent things I want in my life. God makes beauty from ashes--he turns our scars into reminders of His faithfulness and goodness.

I've thought of a few possibilities:

The other tattoo I would someday like to get would be a pictorial representation of a special name the Lord gave to me in 2007--Brave Intimacy. He showed me a picture of me on the bow of a ship, speeding across the water--with Jesus's arms wrapped around me. I was safe in His care. And that is definitely something I always want to remember. tattoos yet, but it definitely could happen. I have no problem with tattoos and have seen many I can appreciate. In the Old Testament, people put up stones as reminders of God's deliverance and power. I've seen much the same thing accomplished through tattoos. If I were to get tattooed, the images would have to hold significant meaning for me.

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