Sunday, April 3, 2016

April Apperceptions: Five Problems With Social Media

Social media is a wonderful invention, with opportunities for networking, cross-cultural/country connections, marketing, etc. also is fraught with some problems, especially for those with character weaknesses or propensities toward certain types of indiscretions.

These are the five main problems, as I see them:

1) Insensitivity: It is easier to say something harsh, rude, biased, etc. on social media because the person isn't right in front of you. You are "protected," in a sense, from their reactions. You can say what you wish--and there's no danger of an actual, full-on, in-the-same-room confrontation. That can be dangerous--we can become flippant with our words--and hurt people.

2) Unhealthy doors: Social media offers the opportunity to open doors that need not be opened--links to or recommendations of programs or videos one shouldn't be watching. Not everyone is susceptible to these waverings, of course, but those who are find a world without limit via social media. It's easy to justify watching something so-and-so is watching, especially as a teen, but not everything out there is beneficial.

3) Disconnection: People can easily fall into the trap of not connecting in "real life," with the illusion of being in a good relationship--via social media alone. Furthermore, teens who spend too much time on social media have a tendency to get "sucked in"--and it limits their interaction with their parents and family.

4) False information: Social media is full of untrue information, being touted as truth. One must be wary and astute.

5) Commiseration: Those who suffer from depression or are prone to self-harm find camaraderie with those of similar struggles. This can be a good thing, of course....but it can also be a negative element of social media--in which people with negative thought patterns reinforce each other's negativities. And that can lead to downward spirals on both sides.

  • I've hurt others using social media--that doesn't mean that it's not a good tool, but it does mean I need to guard my heart so that I will seek to honor others as I use it. 
  • There is much good to be gleaned from social media, and hopefully it outweighs the bad. I tend to believe that it does--since I am an avid user myself. But awareness is key, especially when it comes to adolescents and impressionable teens. 
  • I believe social media can be a good way to connect with people--especially those in other states one can't see often. But it can never be a substitute for "in person." I have fallen into the trap of disconnection before--and I still have to guard against it. 
  • It's important not to assume that everything others post is true; seek to validate and do your own thinking. 
  • Don't allow social media to cloud your judgment  so that you cease to recognize all the good in your life. 

Social media, when used responsibly, is a great thing. But be aware of the potential problems associated with it--so that you can make the best decisions, ones you won't regret later.

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