Saturday, April 30, 2016

April Apperceptions: Excitement in the Air

Today's writing topic (and the final one of my 30-day challenge): Something you're excited for.

Josiah on the far right, his date, Charis, and friends, Helen and Ryder

Well, today that's an easy one--I'm excited for my son's first formal. This means it's his first time having a date to an event, first time wearing a suit (and shiny black shoes), first time getting to purchase a corsage. The whole nine yards. 

Tonight my Josiah will have the opportunity to be a gentleman--to treat a young lady (who's also his good friend) as the precious, delightful gem she is. To show value, honor, and respect--to think of her as more important than himself, putting his very best foot forward to ensure an enjoyable evening full of laughter and grace. 

Tonight I am proud as I see the boy before me transforming into a man before my very eyes. Offering his arm--as a prince to a princess--as an escort, a friend, a valiant champion. Nobly representing his fellows in the great ball we call growing up.

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