Monday, April 11, 2016

April Apperceptions: My Guy

I've known my husband, Byron, since I was seventeen years old. What seemed to be a chance encounter at a Hawaiian themed youth group party turned out to be destiny--and the journey continues.

One of the things I love most about Byron is how giving he is to his friends--he'd do anything to help those he loves. He keeps a pretty tight circle of what one would consider close, or intimate, friends. But he is committed to that circle.

In June of 1986, I became part of that circle. And on August 15, 1987 we sealed the deal with a kiss and some rings. I would say that like in all worthwhile relationships we have gone through alternate periods of frustration, closeness, distance, too much busy-ness, disagreement, like-heartedness, conflict, and communion.

No matter the hard times, I've always come back to the place of knowing that I married a good man--one who'd do anything for me. Even if it meant giving up something for himself.

The journey is far from over--and there's much to be learned--but at the end of the day I am comforted in the love I share with my guy. Like the song says, "I'm sticking to my guy, like a stamp to a letter. Like birds of a feather, we stick together. I can tell you from the start, I can't be torn apart from my guy."

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