Wednesday, April 6, 2016

April Apperceptions: My Fascinating Boy

When one thinks of a person who could be categorized as "fascinating," one might think of a skilled actor in Hollywood, a famous music performer, or a respected scientific mind. I think of my son Josiah. Though often quiet, he tends to have a lot to say if one finds the right topic at the right time.

Josiah possesses an amazing mind. He is a deep thinker. His mind is never idle. And he's constantly coming up with creative ideas--which he has a remarkable ability to execute. And he excels in both math and language arts. Josiah's mind is multi-layered and impossible to define in short, concise descriptions.

Josiah is strong and athletic. Though his hallmark used to be speed, it is now strength--and he's diligently working at improving in all of his track and field throwing events.

I've watched Josiah, over the years, learn how to take the thorns along with the roses in relationships with friends/schoolmates. He is passionate, so he can get pretty frustrated at times--but he is equally as loyal and caring. His compassion always gets the best of him--a quality I'm happy he got a large dose of.

How can so much creativity,  athletic skill, and intricacy of thought exist in one young person? I don't know--but God does. Sometimes being around Josiah is like exploring a new land. You may think you've seen it all, but then you make a new discovery. I understand a lot of what goes on in Josiah's head, but on a regular basis I become aware of facets that relate to others, that relate to others, that relate to still others.

Josiah is serious yet hilarious--and though he may look for easy solutions, he really doesn't like them. This boy likes a good challenge

I'm sure my level of fascination will grow over the years, no matter how old Josiah gets. My fascination is really appreciation--of who God is and all he has to offer the world and the people in it. He certainly has blessed my life. I'd never trade him for a simplified version--I like the one I've got.

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