Friday, April 22, 2016

April Apperceptions: What's in a Morning?

My morning routine probably isn't that different from many people's.

I groan at the sound of the alarm, use the bathroom, and often lie back down for twenty minutes or more. Then I get up (reluctantly but now with a certain urgency), turn on the light (after warning my husband that I'm about to do so), and find something to wear (some days this takes longer than others).

I take a shower, dry off, get dressed, then put on a bit of make-up. I choose a bit of jewelry, decide what shoes to put on (there aren't many choices), and try to do something with my too-quickly-growing (and graying) hair.

I give myself a final inspection and advance to the kitchen, where I may or may not have packed a lunch the night before. If I haven't, I grab a few items as quickly as I can while checking the clock for quickly evaporating minutes.

I grab my purse, keys, food, and begin to rush out the door. I generally have to go back to my room for something--such as my phone and/or cough drops. Before heading out the door, I say goodbye to Jos and tell him to have a good day.

I get in the car and start the engine. If there's gum in the car, I usually pop a piece in my mouth and turn on the radio--unless it's a remarkably fortunate day and I happen to be drinking coffee--or even more fortunate, I have the time and money to stop for coffee on the way.

Halfway to work, I "wake up" a bit and begin thanking God for my day and asking for His help regarding all that needs to be accomplished, kids who may have a rocky start to the day--and the energy needed to complete my tasks with excellence. I pray for those who are on my heart--needs that are highlighted in my spirit.

Finally, I pull in at my school, park, and let out a "here we go" sigh before heading in. I remind myself that God is with me and that I love my job, so there is nothing to feel uneasy about. It's not every day that I need this reminder--but often. And the more time that passes, the more thankful I am that my day began in the first place.

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