Saturday, April 23, 2016

April Apperceptions: And I Just Can't Stand...

Today's writing challenge assignment, surprisingly, is for me to write about a family member I don't like. Though there are some I feel more of an affinity with than others, I make it a practice to not dislike family members--using "family" in the broadest blood-relative sense. But...there are some qualities or behaviors that may cause me to desire spending less time with a family member. We'll call these the "family foibles" I just can't stand.

1) Foul language/smut - I am, of course, not above the occasional "bad word" myself--but I don't feel comfortable around those who continually use foul language or have smutty humor.

2) Targeting other family members (i.e., not having anything good to say) - I find it distasteful to hear family members complaining incessantly about other family members.

3) Belittling - It bothers me when family members belittle either their children or spouses. I've witnessed it before, and it makes me very uncomfortable. Nowadays, I'd be more inclined to actually say something--which could, of course, get me in trouble.

4) Judgmental off-hand remarks - Comments that start out with "Maybe you should've...," "I'm surprised you..." (with emphasis on surprised), "We were shocked that you...," "It seems like you would've..."--always with a sarcastic or self-righteous ring to them--are opinions I can live without hearing.

Those are probably the main undesirable happenings in the context of family. I do realize that no one is perfect. But if these indiscretions are present in abundance, they will no doubt contribute to the amount of time I choose to spend with those particular people--family or not. I can, in fact, love someone and not like the way he or she acts.

Overall, I think the items I've mentioned make for a negative atmosphere, I can only control my own behavior--not anyone else's; likewise, the choice of what type of atmosphere I wish to spend time in is also mine. "Family" is a term that suggests value, fun, and even honor. Therefore, I believe time spent with family members should be enjoyable.

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