Sunday, April 3, 2016

April Apperceptions: First Love and First Kiss

First love? all depends on one's definition of love. But if using the definition of "attraction toward another person and internal emphasis of everything positive about that person's personality--lasting for one year or more," then there was a boy in my high school (whom I shall not name) that I admired greatly for nearly four years. But it was not meant to be, for so many reasons, first and foremost of which was that God had someone in mind for me.

Which leads us to the, technically, my "first kiss" was in second grade, inside a concrete pipe on my elementary playground--from a kid named Allen. But the next and most significant kiss was my first kiss from Byron Kephart, when I was seventeen years old. This kiss carried passion, promise, providence, and perpetuity--all in the space of a few seconds. I'll never forget that kiss. And I look forward to many more.

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