Thursday, April 21, 2016

April Apperceptions: The Music in My Head

Today's writing challenge instructed me to set my music player on "shuffle" and list the three songs that first come up, along with my initial thoughts. I don't really use a music player--hardly ever even use Pandora, so...I turned on one of my favorite stations, 97.1, Charlie FM. The first song that played was "Just Like Heaven" by The Cure. The lyrics "Show me, show me, show me how you do that trick" immediately made me think of a recent conversation with a friend about me knowing things that haven't actually been told to me--and how I know them. I explained that sometimes I just "sense" things, an explanation that drives my friend a bit batty.

The next song that came on, I didn't even recognize--nor could I understand the words. So I logged in to 106.7 FM, The Eagle. The first song was "Sister Golden Hair" by America, which starts out: "Well I tried to make it Sunday, but I got so damn depressed that I set my sights on Monday and I got myself undressed." Being sick for several days has been a bit depressing, and since I have notified my boss that I won't be making it in tomorrow...I am officially setting my sights on Monday. Which may also require a trip in to the school this weekend to fetch some textbooks for lesson planning.

Next song up: Prince's "1999"--not surprising, since he has now passed away. So my first thought was really of his passing, followed by thoughts of my friend Wendie, who always liked his music...which brings back semi-fond memories of a sleepover at her house, during which we watched Purple Rain and the other girls conspired to soak an important undergarment of mine in water and freeze it into oblivion. 

So...intuition...illness...irritation...thus ends my music association experiment.

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